On this occasion the two skypers where on the same computer. They respected each other and fed their own instructions from the othere’s I took on the role of performer and performed once with performer F for Take 1 -while performer V remained hidden taking notes and pictures, as observer- and once with peformer V -while performer F took on the role of camera operator moving within the action- There was one audience member allowed to move in the space and take notes and/or pictures and one music operator using a fixed playlist and manipulating it as he saw fit.
Skype recordings:
Take1 Pictures: (taken by observer from a steady point in space, invisible to the skypers and not within the action)
Take 2 Pictures: (taken by audience member who moved freely within the space and could potentialy interact with the performers, as was actually the case n Take 2)
Participants’ Feedback
The skypers’ feedback is unfortunately in Greek… A summary is that they found the process very interesting and had fun. They did notice some difficulties in communication and said that they thought they where because of not hearing well…
They did not fully understand the nature of the research but that had not been explained to them in any detail so as to avoid them being biased in any way…
Video documentation available via Sendspace.